Diana Tolin has been a cosplayer and member of the anime industry for over 20 years. She has worked in licensing, translation, and localization before following her passion for costuming and cosplay and starting her own business, Dial C Costumes, in 2016. From there she has crafted costumes for companies such as Square/Enix, Marvel Entertainment and SCRAP Real Escape Rooms. After representing the United States at World Cosplay Summit in 2016, she produced and curated a WCS Team USA Retrospective with the cooperation of Alumni teams throughout the country. This Retrospective eventually lead her to the Society for the Promotion of Japanese Animation, the current license holder for World Cosplay Summit USA. She joined the SPJA in 2018 and now manages the WCS USA as well as other cosplay related events at their flagship show, Anime Expo. As an Anime Expo attendee for 24 years, Diana is thrilled to now have the opportunity to share not only the incredible World Cosplay Summit community but her home convention with cosplayers in the United States and around the world.