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Cultural Events

Hey there, its Tomo!  Your friendly Naka-Kon Kami!

Last year was pretty crazy, training with grumpy Tigers, trying not to get annoyed with my (possibly evil) twin, and the weird twist that she’s me?  Then seeing my mother for the first time since I hatched!  When does life stop getting more complicated?  This kami is pretty confused, but everything is better when you’re not hungry.

Byakko and Inari are making me learn to cook as part of my next phase of training.  Fine control, or something like that.  So what if the meat is a little charred…  Tell me you don’t like a crispy shell on your toasted marshmallows.  I know I do!

All this talk about cooking and food has got my tummy rumbling.  If you’re as hungry as I am or maybe just a little thirsty.  We’ve got something for any size appetite.

Catch up on Tomo's story here!


    Tomo's Matsuri
    Time: 5:30 - 7:00pm
    Room: Cottonwood 3

    Tomo and Seiryu are busily gathering inspiration for their upcoming cook-off. Take a moment and join in the fun! Team Tomo has brought back the games guaranteed to whet your appetite for some friendly competition. Our restaurant themed photo op adds some funny flavor text to add to your photo faves. Play for fun, play for prizes, or just play for bragging rights at Tomo’s annual Matsuri.

    Naka-Kon Kimodameshi: Food Fright (¥)
    Time: 10:00am - 2:00pm
    Sheraton Leatherwood 2&3

    I hope you’re not hungry. Food from the spirit world can be a bit difficult to digest. Especially if the yokai think you are part of the blue-plate special. Each spirit has a specific weakness to a certain dish. Will you give them the right meal or will you become part of the menu?

    Note: Blacklights will be present

    Tickets must be purchased through EventBrite via the Kimodameshi event page.

    Konpeito Kombat
    Time: 8:00 - 9:30 pm
    Room: Ballroom C

    Who knew that Seiryu had a sweet tooth? What could be more fun than to have a food fight with extra large konpeito candies? You’ve seen the soot-sprites with them in Spirited Away, now dodge, weave, or just throw as many as you can. Bring friends or compete with whoever is there. Each round will last about 5 minutes each and allow 10-12 people to play at a time.

    Pantry Pandemonium (Obstacle Course)
    Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Room: Cottonwood 3

    The cooking contest is in a few hours and both of our chefs are in a panic trying to get the last of their ingredients. The pantry has been raided and now we need your help to get through our obstacle course and bring them their finishing touches for the final show down.