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Improv Extravaganza: After Hours

The subject is: Improv!! Do you have the ability to think of funny remarks on the fly? A perfect response to the perfect set up, that may or may not have been accidental? Are you a nerd, a weeb, or just a guy named Paul (Hey Paul!!!!)? Come join your host, MaveyWavie, and their co-host(s) as they help guide you through a series of hilarious, knee slapping, improv games centered around your favorite video games, anime, and pop culture pieces of media. The after hours part allows us to allow you to be a bit more crude with your language and your references, 16+ is required for this panel! Sorry kids. Audience participation is HIGHLY valued in this panel, but not required! If you would just like to stay and watch that is alright too!! We ask that all participants and audience members follow standard Theater rules of etiquette, to show kindness to those in the spotlight.  Hope to see you there!!!

Recommended ages: 16+

12:00 am
1:30 am
Room: Leatherwood 2-3
Equinox Cosplays


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