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Guest Announcement: 2024 Cosplay Judges

March 19, 2024


Alright Nakama, it's time to announce the Mainstage Cosplay Contest Judges for 2024! The judges for this year's show have a wealth of experience competing both domestically and internationally with performance and craftsmanship wins under their beautifully embellished belts. We are so excited to welcome them to the Naka-Kon family!

The first of our esteemed judges is none other than Chibi Tifa!

ChibiTifa is a cosplayer from Maryland with 20 years of experience in the hobby and a World Cosplay Summit representative. She's made a vast array of costumes and has been a cosplay craftsmanship and performance judge at several conventions all over the country. As a fairly busy career woman in media, she somehow manages to balance both her work and cosplay life. Tifa makes it her mission to make the cosplay world more welcoming & accepting to any and all newcomers.

The next Mainstage Cosplay Contest judge we're excited to introduce is the fantastic Meow Meow Cosplay!

Meow Meow Cosplay (aka Kitty) is a body-positive Illinois-based cosplayer. She has been cosplaying since 2006. A jack of all trades when it comes to costume construction, Kitty enjoys making armor and sewing the most. Known for her clean costumes and attention to detail, she holds numerous master craftsmanship and best in show titles from across the country. While her passion is in craftsmanship, she also enjoys performing on stage which has led to her representing the USA overseas. She was half of the 2018 World Cosplay Summit USA team in Nagoya, Japan and was the 2023 USA representative for the Cosplay World Masters finals in Lisbon, Portugal where she placed 3rd for the USA.

The last but certainly not least of our Mainstage Cosplay Contest judge roster is the incredible Teca Cosplay!

Teca, part of the World Cosplay Summit Team USA 2020/2022, is an award-winning cosplayer with over twenty years of experience. She has won over thirty awards as well as hosted panels and judged contests at more than twenty-five events across the country. Teca has worked as an official cosplayer for industry events, including Sailor Jupiter from Sailor Moon for VizMedia, America from Hetalia for FUNimation and Kyouko Sakura from Puella Magi Madoka Magica for Aniplex.


  • 3DHQ
  • Arda Wigs
  • Cut/Sew Pattern Making
  • Hammerspace Community Workshop
  • JINYA Ramen Bar
  • Kauffman Center Presents NARUTO: The Symphonic Experience
  • KC Craft Ramen
  • Oliso
  • SewTites