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Hall-Star Cosplay Contest Judges

August 31, 2021


Naka-Kon is excited to introduce you to the judges of the Hall-Star Cosplay Contest Adonis Cosplay, and E from Team Whatever!

Adonis is a Kansas City cosplayer who’s been building costumes and props for over 8 years. He has taken cosplay all over the country from one coast to the other. You can most easily find him on Instagram, but he has a YouTube presence as well teaching the community the basics of cosplay, sewing, and crafting. Check out his Instagram and YouTube.

E from Team Whatever Cosplay has been competing and judging at competitions all around the country with great success since 2006. She was even featured in Cosplay in America, Volume 2. E's specialties lie in props, wigs and makeup and is particularly fond of bringing these skills together in musical skit parodies. Check out Team Whatever's Instagram and Facebook.


  • 3DHQ
  • Arda Wigs
  • Cut/Sew Pattern Making
  • Hammerspace Community Workshop
  • JINYA Ramen Bar
  • Kauffman Center Presents NARUTO: The Symphonic Experience
  • KC Craft Ramen
  • Oliso
  • SewTites