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Message from Ryuzou Ishino

May 12, 2020





To All Those Who Love Naka-Kon,

My name is Ryuzou Ishino and I was invited as a guest of honor last year in 2019.
I learned that Naka-Kon 2020 was cancelled due to COVID-19. I am sure the cancellation was sad and difficult news for all the attendees looking forward to the convention, the guests of honor who had prepared for a great show, and all the staff and volunteers that have spent the past year preparing for the convention.
At this time, we all may have too much on our mind to think about the future. However, as long as everyone's love for the convention does not disappear, I believe Naka-Kon will come back and host great conventions once again.
I am sure the uncertainties of the future have caused much worry, but please remember to take care of yourself.
I look forward to the day to hear the news that Naka-Kon is back!
From Tokyo, I wish all those who are part of Naka-Kon peace and happiness.

Ryuzou Ishino


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